Thursday, 26 September 2013

Pepsi Timeline Work.

Pepsi Timeline.
 The Pepsi Timeline is a well known and memorable one. Starting at a handwritten, scribbled design and ending with a bold 3D sphere created by our advanced technology, the designs change in various ways.

Pepsi Timeline.
The first Pepsi logo was created in 1898. It had a quirky and slim design. The  writing is flared and unusual whilst the colour red makes a bold statement, drawing attention to itself. 

Information about the first Pepsi logo/creation: 
Caleb Bradham was a pharmacist from North Carolina. In his ‘drug store’ he had a soda machine, in which he made his own drink called “Brad’s Drink”. It consisted of carbonated water, sugar, vanilla, rare oils, pepsin and cola nuts. “Brad’s Drink” was later renamed as Pepsi Cola in 1898, after he bought the trade name from a competitor that had gone broke. Bradham’s neighbour, an artist, designed the first pepsi logo.

First Pepsi Logo.

Information about the second Pepsi logo: 
In 1905 the second Pepsi logo was launched, following a similar design. Again the ‘hand written scribble’ theme had been used, but it had been made a little smarter and neater. The font used for the text itself had been made thicker, and possibly a deeper shade of red. The font is similar but not quite the same. If you look closely the second design is more fluent and together, whilst curling instead of having a set design. The business began to grow and soon ‘Pepsi-Cola’ was officially registered with the U.S patent office. A growing business meant a new design. 
Second Pepsi Logo.

Information on the third Pepsi logo:
The third logo again was made thicker for emphasis. The pattern and text were basically the same with no changes, other than the top tail of the ‘C’ being made into a flag with the word ‘Drink’ printed onto it. The text was a lot less curled and more simple than it had ever been before. Perhaps this was to make it more memorable. In 1906 there were 40 franchises allowed to sell bottled Pepsi. After waiting only a year to change the logo, it seems that Caleb was unhappy with the second logo.

Third Pepsi Logo

Information on the fourth Pepsi logo:
In 1941 the Pepsi bottle crown changed its colours to red and white to support America’s war effort. Again the logo has remained similar, but lost the word ‘Drink’ from it. The text is still red but it is made bolder and bigger- this is a recurring pattern.

Fourth Pepsi Logo

Information on the fifth Pepsi logo: 
The logo develops completely. Instead of the prominent red text, it becomes a bottle cap with the name ‘Pepsi Cola’ on it. The colour blue has now been added to the design and the text is bold, simple and black. This will of made the design more memorable. This big change was made to accompany the brand’s “Pepsi Generation Campaign.”

Fifth Pepsi Logo

Information on the sixth Pepsi logo:
In 1961 the word ‘Pepsi’ became italicized, paying homage to the original logo. The new logo became iconic and people were familiar with it.

Sixth Pepsi Logo

Information on the seventh Pepsi logo: 
In 2005 a more refreshing look came out. This was instantly recognisable and the graphics were more advanced, thanks to the newer technology. Red, blue and white became trademark colours for the Pepsi company. It comprises of a globe painted with two completely opposite colours complimented with a swirl in the centre. 

Final Pepsi Logo

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